The various activities of the College are monitored by the members of different committees
- Cultural Committee
- Library Committee
- Discipline Committee
- Admission Committee
- Magazine Committee
- Grievance Redressal cell
- Purchase Committee
- Women’s Cell
- Anti Ragging Cell
Staff Association
The members of the teaching and non-teaching staff constitute the staff association. Office bearers in-charge of all the college activities are elected from among the members.
Discipline Committee
This committee chaired by the principal and comprising staff and student representatives ensures the smooth and peaceful functioning of every college activity
Cultural Committee
The Principal, Staff advisor, Fine Arts President and the nominated members from each department constitute the cultural committee which plans and reviews the co-curricular activities in which the students participates both inside and outside the campus.
Library Committee
The constant improvement of library facilities is the main priority of this committee which monitors the functioning of the library, reading room and departmental libraries.
Purchase Committee
Purchase Committee is a group of designated staff established for independent review and evaluation of purchasing documentation whose main role is to recommend the most appropriate supplier or service provider based on price, quality, stock availability, references etc.